Making an Appointment
Our Family Workers at the center are here to help all families interested in registering their child in the program. They also work with the families throughout the year while their child attends the center.
The Family Worker develops a close, professional relationship with all our families in the program. As a team, goals can be develop and be achieved throughout the year.
The Family Partnership Agreement describes family goals, responsibilities, timetables, and strategies for achieving these goals. Our Family Service staff are aware of the resources in the community and assist with needed referrals and/or emergency assistance . They also serve as the link between families and the communities and in the development of partnerships that will empower families to be effective advocates for their children and the community.
Family Workers
To enroll your child or put them on our waiting list, please contact any one of our Family Workers below:
María Pérez
718-443-3917 Ext. 208
Email M. Perez
Fabiola Tipantasig
718-443-3917 Ext. 206
Email F. Tipantasig